Pennsylvania Woman Seeks Justice After Dog Killed by Dating App Reject

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Image: The Mirror US

In a chilling tale of betrayal and cruelty, a Pennsylvania woman is mourning the loss of her beloved pug, Lexi, who was brutally stolen and killed by a friend after she rejected him on a dating app. The shocking incident that took place on January 5, 2024, has left the community reeling and has initiated a passionate demand for justice.

Chyanne Callender had developed a friendship with Joseph Hillard, but their relationship soured as Callender felt uncomfortable with Hillard’s persistent advances. In the days leading up to the tragic event, she expressed her desire to end the friendship. According to reports, just before Lexi was taken, Callender communicated her intentions to Hillard. Unfortunately, he reacted with anger that would lead to a devastating crime.

With a calculated move, Hillard crept into Callender’s Butler County home through an open window. He took Lexi, who was not only a pet but a cherished member of Callender’s family for over ten years. Later, in a shocking confession, Hillard recounted how his rage escalated during the theft. As he recounted to the police, “I at one point wanted to take it back, but started hitting it in a rage. It was battered pretty good so I took it to the woods and killed it.” His actions have left the community outraged.

Initially, when law enforcement officers went to Hillard’s parent’s house, they were misled; his family denied having the dog and insisted that Hillard was innocent. However, it was Hillard himself who took the initiative to confess to the police, revealing the gruesome details of the heinous act. It has emerged that Hillard struggles with mental illness, complicating the already disturbing narrative.

In the wake of this personal tragedy, Callender has taken to the internet to address the injustice. She created an online petition on, appealing to the local district attorney’s office to prosecute Hillard to the fullest extent of the law. “I just want her to get justice,” Callender commented on her campaign. She emphasized the need for Hillard to face the harshest penalties for his actions: “I don’t want to hear from him ever again; I’m never going to forgive him.”

The petition resonates with many, as it highlights the personal bond Callender had with Lexi, who was more than just a pet. “Lexi was not just a pet but an integral part of family life who participated in our daily activities,” the petition reads. The strong emotional connection is palpable as it describes Lexi not merely as an animal but as a confidant and a loving companion who was there for Callender through life’s ups and downs.

Moreover, the petition further delves into the nature of the crime, underscoring that it should be treated as a serious case of animal abuse and pet theft. “We demand that the law takes this crime seriously, and Joseph Hillard gets the maximum time allowed for his crimes, and Justice for Lexi is ensured,” it firmly states.

The community stands united behind Callender, voicing their outrage and demanding accountability for Hillard’s actions. The case has sparked conversations about the seriousness of animal abuse and the lengths to which someone might go in moments of personal turmoil. As Callender seeks closure and justice for Lexi, many hope this will lead to more awareness of animal rights and the need for substantial legal repercussions against such cruel acts.

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